Star Anise
Magical Properties: Use Anise in protection and meditation incense. Use in the circle for protection during magical work.

Raspberry Leaves
Raspberry herb maigical properties inclued aiding sleep, healing, protection and love. Often used in tea form during labour, to increase the strength of contractions and thereby speeding up the second stage of labour. NB: Seek medical advice before using these leaves for labour.

Solomon's  Seal Root
Magical uses for Solomons Seal root include warding off evil, powerful protector and sucess with finance.

Tonka Beans
Whole beans, often called 'love wish' beans. Used in love mojo bags and love spells, and for the realisation of wishes.

Dill Seeds
Dill is used mainly for protection, money and love. Hang in sachets above the front door to protect the home, hang in sachets on a cot to protect the baby, use Dill seeds in money spells.

The Elder Tree is the sacred tree of the Goddess and as such, it is believed that the wood must not be burned. Magical Uses: Carry the berries ofr good fortune, place under the pillow to aid restful sleep, hang sachets over doorways and windows to protect the home, used in protection, healing and exorcism spells.

Juniper Berries.
Magical uses: Burned to break hexes and curses, carried for protection against theft, satchets hung above windows and doors protect the home agains negative influences and theft, burned in exorsism rites.

Is a magical herb of peace. hang sachets filled with pennyroyal around the house to fill the home with peace and harmony. Given to arguing couples, it will make the peace. Carry during sea voyages to prevent sea-sickness.

Has long been used for magical purification spells and incense. A good herb for spells concerning prosperity and wealth.

Magical uses for angelica herb. Use in Spells to increase energy, home protection, protection and exorsicm rituals.

Rose Petals
Are used in Healing and Love Spells and sachets. Scatter around the house to calm stress and improve relationships.

Magical uses: This herb is a powerful cleanser and purifier. Burn befroe rituals of any kind to clear negative energies, use in ritual baths for purification, use as a handwash before healing work.

Is used for love, exorcism, psychic powers and courage. Us Yarrow in a magical sachet and carry with you for protection, when you need courage - hold the sachet in your hand. Use in love spells and to attract friendship. Use Yarrow to clear areas and objects of negative energy.

Magical uses for Bay Leaf: Burn with Sandalwood to remove curses, powerful purification and protection herb. Use in purification bathing prior to rituals. Burn during exorcism rituals.

Magical uses: Sprinkled around the home for protection and dispersal of curses, used in incense for meditation and to induce sleep, in spells to attract wealth and as a handwash to encourage sucess with gambling.

Magical uses of this spice: burn as an incense during spells for healing, and money drawing. Inhaling the smoke of cinnamon incense stimulates pyschic powers.

Magical uses: Burn cloves in incense to clear negative energies, attract wealth and to purify. Carry to comfort during bereavement or to attract the opposite sex.

Lavender flowers
Are very versatile. Use in love spells and attraction sachets. Hang in sachets with clothes to attract a partner, use sachets with lavender flowers to attract love, burn lavender heads to induce sleep. Scattered around the home, lavender heads induce an atmosphere of peace and serenity.